Freebie Friday is here with Arrow. A basic mobile template with a simple dropdown menu powered by icons. Because it’s offering only 5 basic pages to get you started, it’s a great mobile template for beginners and more experienced folks alike to start their next mobile project. Moreover, it also supports being added to the homescreen of your iOS or Android device.
Freebie Features:
- Simple Header Navigation
- Dropdown Effect
- Fully Mobile Compatible
- Fluid Design
- 3 Column Layout
- Text Highlights
- Icon Lists
- CSS3 Buttons
- CSS3 Checkboxes
- Entypo Icon Set
- jQuery Toggles
- Blog / Portfolio Listing
- Fully Working PHP / AJAX Contact Form
What about a 2018 Version of this?
We’re working on the AMP Arrow Premium version as we speak. Soon, we will update it to modern standards of design and features. As a result, it will contain everything and anything you’ll need. And we will release it and we’ll blog about it in the following weeks! Stay tunned!
How do you get it? Simple! Like or Tweet using the social locker below and the file is yours! Most noteworthy, No strings attached!