Foldable Phones | All About Mobile Websites
June 18, 2020
Foldable phones are not a new concept on the market. But what about creating websites for them? Let's see why "responsive" is not the solution and which is the best option available!
Azures 2.0 | Boostrap 4.x Mobile Kit & PWA
May 28, 2020
Azures Mobile 2.0 is now Powered by Bootstrap! We took Azures to another performance level and included some additional features you will absolutely love. The Fastest Rising Start on Envato Market is now better than ever: supporting RTL, PWA, Auto Dark Mode and many many more!
The Best 15+ Mobile Website Templates
May 25, 2020
Isn't it hard to find the perfect mobile template for your site? Maybe some of them contain difficult code, or others have some tiny but annoying bugs, or maybe they have an outdated design. We've got you covered! Check out our list and decide for yourself which one suits your needs best!
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