A very handy Tool: 30 Seconds of CSS
February 28, 2018
Beginner or Professional, framework or custom code, there are always CSS elements that are handy to have around and sometimes forgotten. Here is where this, simply awesome and handy tool comes in.
Introducing AMP Photo | Premium Google AMP Mobile Template
February 26, 2018
AMP Photo is creative, with a unique and gorgeous landing page that takes you directly to a beautifully crafted, scroll-over heading designed user interface. With a simple footer navigation built for super simple and fast user experiences.
The Best Free 5 Font Icons For Your Next Project
February 24, 2018
Most modern websites have dozens of icons and sometimes even the most beautiful icon packs lacks the amount of icons you need. Here's a list of awesome icons, that are comprised of more than 300 icons each and will certainly cover all your needs for your next project.
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