3 Easy Steps to Set Up Your HTML Mobile Website
Here at Enabled we have set important goals for our business. One of them is to contribute directly to the overall experience our customers have with our products. Also, we are aware that not everybody has the necessary amount of experience with web development and this is why we strive to create the easiest HTML Mobile Websites, Mobile WordPress Themes, PWAs, Google AMP Templates and PhoneGap & Cordova App Templates.
In this step by step guide, we will walk you through the experience you will have if working with us. And most importantly, we’ll explain each step you need to follow in order to have the best mobile website in your industry!
Moreover, if you are an entrepreneur and you’re at the beginning of your career, you might have certain concerns about how to market your business. First you need to setup your mobile website, and here are some easy steps on how to accomplish that.

Each one above will be explained in detail so your experience can be seamless. Every step that you see above has its own level of importance by being linked to one another. In simpler terms, if the first step is wrongly executed, then the following two will be affected.
Let’s begin!
The first step is one of the most important because this is the time when you choose your main tool in this journey. You can do three things:
- Create your own mobile website
- Hire someone to do it for you
- Jump into our portfolio and choose your favourite mobile website template.
Advantages and disadvantages for each choice:

- If you create your own mobile website template then probably this article is not for your because you are a developer that is extremely familiar with the concept of an HTML Mobile Website. But thank you for stoping by, let us your impressions in the comment section.
- If you choose to hire somebody to create a mobile website for you, then you should expect to pay a large amount of money. However, beside the higher prices, there are also some other risks such as: low quality end product, loss of time, uncertainty.
- You can choose one of the 100 items from our portfolio. You benefit from an easy to understand code, extreme functionality and support from our developers!
Here are some articles that can help you decide exactly what is best for you:
– Tell the difference between Great Support vs Basic Support
– Are You Losing Valuable Traffic? Here’s Why!

Have you chosen your mobile website template yet? Tell us in the comments which of our products is your favourite!
Customisation Time!
Now that you have purchased/created your mobile website, it is time to transfer your or your business’s strong personality into it.
One of the best pieces of advice one can give you is to keep it simple and suggestive. However, there are some important elements that every mobile website must absolutely have. You can check out which are the 5 must have pages in a mobile site here or see our opinion on some great ideas to have a great mobile design here.
Last but not least, here is a list with tons of resources that cover all your needs for branding your brand new mobile website – check here 15+ best free design tools!
The process of customising our products is meant to be extremely easy. Moreover, it only requires a minimum knowledge in HTML and CSS to get things done super fast! With every product we release come ready to use page templates that are there to help you save valuable time.
Most noteworthy, every product provides its own documentation which explains the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals. However, you can always contact us on our support forum and we’ll gladly help you solve the issues you have encountered.

Hello, World!
It’s is time to present your website to the world.
Moreover, with HTML is easier than ever. There is no installation, no complicated actions that need to be taken. You just need to upload your website to your server and boom, you’re live!
Here you can find important information on how to improve your hosting experience and others tips and tricks your should follow when having a mobile website – click here to read the article.
Finally, it is time to put some effort in marketing your website so you reach your target audience!
Did you find our article useful? Tell us in the comments and don’t hesitate to send us a link with your mobile website created with Enabled Templates! We’d love to see how you use our products and you get the chance to be featured on our blog in “Made with Enabled” Section!