Write With Enabled - Be our Guest Writer
For the past years we have tried to grow our blog and to provide the most amazing resources you can find on the web. We believe that a being in such strong community of web development can be difficult, but also rewarding. We want to share the knowledge we gained through the years with our users. And now, we invite you to do the same!
Having guest posts on our blog can become a great marketing strategy for you and a good way to grow your portfolio. Why? Well, you will not only be part of our team, and have an article on our Blog. But you will also have the article shared on our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest & Dribble)! Follow us for more great content while at it!
Moreover, your article will be posted in one newsletter!
What can you write about?
You don’t have to worry your interests are not the same as ours. However make sure you write an article in these areas:
- Web development
- Web Design
- Useful Online Resources
- Tech News & Updates
But, if you have other ideas, feel free to tell us. We’re open minded!
Let’s explain each so you know exactly what we are looking from:
Web development – we want HTML, WordPress, CSS, JavaScript, AMP Project, PhoneGap & Cordova, etc related articles. Who knows, maybe you have a great idea to make people love coding. Or you explain things very well and you think children should be introduce to coding from a young age. Do you have any freebies you would like to share? Here you can do this.
Web design – Material, flat, modern, old, childish, professional: design is design. Just make sure it’s great content. The design standards change from one year to another and being up to date is of utmost importance. You can include here: icons, drawings, graphics, powerpoint slides designs and other great concepts.
Useful Online Resources – We want to provide our users with an archive of great online resources that may help them in their future projects. This is why we do resource listings. Starting from the best places you can find pictures, to the last icon provider. You can include here everything! Make sure they are useful for web development and specify if they are free to use or not.
Tech News & Updates – Software is nothing without the hardware, right? Anything from the latest mobile phone on the market, to the craziest computer and fascinating laptop you’ve ran across is welcomed. Share your story and opinions!
Did we mention is completely free? Just send us an e-mail at: marketing@enableds.com with any additional questions you might have or just send un your article directly. Your article will be published after review in maximum 48h and you will receive an e-mail when the article is live so you can check it and share it! It is a great opportunity to grow your portfolio!
Don’t forget: marketing@enableds.com